2014-08-24 - Sligo Creek with Stephanie

^z 12th June 2023 at 10:57am

~4.8 miles @ ~13.5 min/mi

Gentle Sunday morning Sligo Creek ramble with Dr Fonda, returned yesterday from family visit to NY and sadly suffering from lower back pain: we discuss the potential benefits of changing pelvic orientation (I'm confused re "Cat" vs. "Dog" tilt), mindful Taiji upright posture, drugs, shoe-shopping therapy, etc. The standard runner's prescription — "Up Your Mileage!" — is perhaps suboptimal treatment.

At the Silver Spring International Middle School track we join a flock of walkers and trot one lap, saunter halfway around, then run another circuit at Stephanie's insistence. Two buff young men sit on the sidelines facing each other and doing synchronized foot-leg twirls together. I reminisce about scary-limber ladies performing yoga stretches there a few years ago (see 2010-06-19 - Boys of Summer Speedwork and 2010-11-21 - Ten 800m Repeats). Funny what sticks in the mind! Stephanie teaches me how to pronounce one of my favorite words, "lithe".

The Reward (besides delightful conversation): breakfast at the Woodside Deli near Amy Couch's home, where we start and end today's trek. Blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheese, potato latka, fine coffee — yay! Stephanie has scrambled eggs with salami, "and 15 pieces of bacon. Food to heal the back...". Data is stored at Runkeeper.

^z - 2014-09-11